Athletic Board Meeting: September 21, 2010, 6:30 (NEW TIME) HFCS Gym

Directions to opponent schools

2010 Volleyball Schedules: 6-Boys | 6-Girls | 8-Boys | 8-Girls

Monday, May 3, 2010

Leadership Positions for 2010-2011 School Year Open

If you are interested in joining the leadership team for the athletic board for the coming school year, please contact Principal Corinne Alimento at 630-766-0116, or email:

Sports Banquet Success

This year's banquet was a great success. A very special thank you to our athletic board and volunteer coaches and parents who made this year's program an incredible success.

Awards were given to the best all-around athletes as well as all those who participated in our volleyball and basketball programs.

Our 8th-grade girls basketball team finished in 2nd place during the tournament.

Congratulations to all of our student players. We are looking forward to next year.